Sasol chooses Emerson as main automation contractor for Louisiana integrated gas-to-liquids and ethane cracker complex

Comprehensive, long-term automation program based on its PlantWeb™ architecture is one of Emerson’s largest, valued at hundreds of millions of dollars over the life of the project

AUSTIN, TEXAS (July 29, 2013) – Sasol, an international integrated energy and chemical company, has chosen Emerson Process Management, a global business of Emerson (NYSE: EMR), for a comprehensive program to automate its planned integrated gas-to-liquids (GTL) and  world-scale ethane cracker complex in  Lake Charles, Louisiana. 

The automation program’s overall scope – including dozens of integrated process units and more than 100,000 measurement and control points -- makes it one of the largest Emerson has been awarded.

Sasol anticipates a total investment of $16 billion to $21 billion in the two facilities. When completed, the GTL plant will transform the region’s abundant low-cost shale gas into high-performance, low-emissions diesel and other transportation fuels. The adjacent ethane cracker and derivatives plant will convert ethane to ethylene and other downstream derivatives. 

As main automation contractor, Emerson will provide the majority of the process automation technologies, engineering, and ongoing support services for the operations under a long-term agreement. The two companies will work closely together to chart ongoing automation activities shaped by the facilities’ performance.

“We were seeking a trusted partner to execute the key automation portion of this program,” said Johan du Preez, executive vice president of Sasol US Mega Projects. “Emerson has the expertise, technologies, and experience -- particularly on large, complex projects -- to help us optimize the return on these investments for years to come.” 

Emerson’s automation solution for the Sasol plants is based on its PlantWeb™ digital plant architecture, which includes its industry-recognized control and safety systems, control valves, and measurement and analytical instruments. Initial automation planning and engineering work begins immediately.

“We are excited to work with Sasol to bring these facilities online,” said Steve Sonnenberg, president of Emerson Process Management. “This project will tap natural gas supplies to generate high-value products and help grow the economy.  We will work hard to maintain the trust that Sasol has shown in our people, processes, and technologies.”

Emerson has added more than 2,500 engineers and is extending its services program to provide rapid and comprehensive support that can help keep plants running at peak efficiency and reliability. Emerson plans a significant service facilities and personnel expansion in Louisiana with the development of a global service center in Gonzales, Louisiana. 

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